Thoughts from our Property Experts

There are buyers about but they are being very selective

There are buyers about but they are being very selective

by Adrian Black, Thursday 19 February 2015

Against the background of running up to the general election, but a firming in the odds of the Conservatives winning ...

It's not deleverage - it's releverage times 1.4 and some of this cash has fuelled the London property boom

It's not deleverage - it's releverage times 1.4 and some of this cash has fuelled the London property boom

by Adrian Black, Thursday 05 February 2015

Very interesting article today on the BBC based on reseach by McKinsey regarding debt growth since 2007 – it’s not su...

Under 100 days to the general election on May 7th - the starting gun has fired - and nothing has happened...

Under 100 days to the general election on May 7th - the starting gun has fired - and nothing has happened...

by Adrian Black, Thursday 29 January 2015

The election will be upon us much sooner than we know. It’s really interesting that the 100 day countdown arrived thi...

Is Mansion Tax going to morph to a tenant tax?

Is Mansion Tax going to morph to a tenant tax?

by Adrian Black, Thursday 22 January 2015

Just a simple observation that tenants pay council tax.  If the bands of council tax are changed or the amounts payab...